Monday, July 23, 2007

Church Search - A new development

Okay, I know my last blog was a bit long, so I'll keep this short. I just found out that my neighbors, Matt and Margaret (a/k/a M&M) are part of a gospel singing group. They invited me to their church, a Church of God. From what M&M told me, it sounds a lot like KBBC. The service is a combination of traditional and contemporary. No dancing in the aisles (I asked). They have a FLC and a large youth group (approx. 65-70) But it is a Pentecostal church. So I thought I'd ask for some opinions. If you want, check out their website and let me know what your impression is. I think I might go there next week just to check it out.

One more thing I'd like to share. God sometimes answers prayer in a way that really can surprise you. This morning, when I was opening my daily email listing available federal jobs, I said a quick prayer to God basically asking Him to provide a job opportunity closer to home for me. When I looked at the list, there it was. A job with the same title I have now that is in Fredericksburg (less than half the distance I travel now). I was so happy and grateful to God because he had answered my prayer. But then it was kind of like God spoke to me in my mind. He said, "I answered that specific prayer. The job is available. But now what." I remembered hearing someone preach about how you should be specific when you pray. God answered my prayer and made the job available just as I asked. I guess now I will need to pray specifically that I will get the job! I love the way God can teach you little lessons along the way using seeds that have been planted in the past.

Pictures to come: Yellow finches, rabbits, and an albino skunk family that live in my neighbors yard. As soon as I can catch them with my camera! Also, some home improvement projects, before and after photos.


Sharon said...

There are some very fundamental differences in the two faiths, you probably should request a copy of their church mission statement and beliefs or something of the sort, if they have it. And I will pray with you about your job, sounds great! :)

Lissa said...

I just looked on their website. Looks like they believe in speaking in tongues. If you like the church, maybe you could email one of our pastors to get their take on it. Seems like an active church - looks pretty cool.

Wolfchild said...

Both have some good advice...and go check it out yourself...I have two friends who go to two different pentacostal churches and they are different..the differences being the speaking in tongues...I will be praying for you..

Allen said...

Hi Carla, In their Declaration of Faith #9.(We Believe) In speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance and that it is the initial evidence of the baptism in the Holy Ghost.

There is a fundamental difference between this and what the scriptures teaches about the indwelling and sealing of the Holy Spirit at the moment of Salvation.

However, I do think the one on foot washing is cool. There is something very humbling about washing someone elses feet. Sorry to be so wordy. Hope this helps.

Wolfchild said...

one thing I love about working at a got people from all over...these were recommended Cornerstone Baptist, Salem Baptist, and Crossroads Baptist all came up...good churches with active youth groups and all in Fredricksburg...they have websites available if you would like to check them Amy

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