This is a small country church that I pass every day on my way to and from work. I finally stopped and took a picture of it because it's so cute.
Elders vs. Deacons...the Church Search continues.
My church search is continuing. I visited a church last Sunday, Stafford Baptist Church ( I'm going to go there again this Sunday with Mert and the boys. It is a Southern Baptist church that focuses on beginning new churches, both here and in Iceland/Scandanavia.
But, I was told that they have decided to go from a deacon-led church to an elder-led church. I'm not sure what this means. If anyone has any insight or scripture that might help me understand this better, please let me know.
Otherwise, it seems to be a nice church. They are currently without a music minister, but the youth program has about 30 young people in it. And they have a nice gym where they have had an Upwards basketball program. But the program has grown so large that they can't do it alone. So they are looking for another church to partner with them. I'll let you know more after my second visit, but it may be the one.
Looks good. I don't think there is a great deal of difference between elders and deacons, they are held to the same standard and qualifications. It may be a different kind of organization. But I think they are pretty similar, from what I've read. :)
Sounds promising! I love the look of that little church - thanks for photographing it for us.
Check out the book of Acts where the first Deacons were called. The Disciples (Elders) said that they needed to appoint someone to take care of the physical needs of the widows and children like food clothing and shelter. Their calling (Disciples) was to tend to the spiritual needs. The Elder Ordination is what the Pastor and Staff go through. It is different in purpose from the Deacon a servant. Every Pastor is an Elder, but every Elder is not a Pastor.
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