Sunday, September 16, 2007

First Hockey Tournament of the Season

The Silver Sticks Tournament in West Chester, PA. It was a fun weekend, even though the team didn't do very well. T did good, getting two assist and one goal. Considering they only scored four goals in the whole tournament, he did great. In fact, he had more points than anyone else on the team for this tournament.
I'm not sure what the referee was saying to T in this picture, but this shows you how focused T was. He was ready for the face off before anyone else.

While the team didn't do too well in the tournament, they are a wonderful group of young men, parents and coaches. This weekend gave both T and I a chance to get to know them better. And it also helped T and I to renew our mother/son relationship. He is slowing becoming the loving son that he was before the move. And I can't tell you how happy that makes me!!!!


Debbie365 said...

Very cool! I'm glad things are settling down for you. Change takes time to adjust...believe me, I know, and in more than one area of my life. On a personal level,this is proving to be one of the most difficult years I have experienced. Sure miss you, girl!

Sharon said...

I'm glad it was a good weekend. Deb's the expert on moving to new places, I never have, the thought terrifies me!! You're doing great. :)

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