Monday, March 3, 2008

Flu Season

It's here. And A is down with the Flu Type B. He's been in bed since Friday night with a coughing, high fever and sore throat. He was having trouble breathing yesterday and needed his inhaler.

I'm doing my best to keep anyone else in the house from getting it. Especially since T has playoffs this coming weekend.
Prayers would be appreciated!


Linda said...

Sorry to hear about the sickness. I will certainly be praying for all of you! Get out the face mask, gloves and hand sanitizer!

Debbie365 said...

Oh my! Poor thing. I have a touch of something 'intestinal' this evening. What fun! We'll sure be praying.

Sharon said...

I'm sorry :( I was sick with a sinus infection, and now Rory is sick in bed. Hope you all feel better soon and no one else gets it!

Rositta said...

I'm hearing that Tamiflu doesn't always work so I hope it works in your case. Get well soon...ciao

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