Monday, November 10, 2008


Well, the house is now officially on the market. And when I looked at the pictures the realtor had taken and put online, I couldn't believe how bad the front of the house looked. Here's what I saw.I kept telling my hubby that we needed to relandscape along the front of the house. I wanted to get rid of that big bush under the middle garage window because it dies off in the winter and turns to just sticks. It wasn't until the realtor told him we needed to do it that he was finally convinced. But I still had to do it! Below is the result of my efforts.
Not an elaborate landscape plan, but I got such a fantastic deal on the little pointed trees and I needed to keep everything else sized accordingly. They will grow to 10' tall x 3' wide and fill in the area between the windows. We now have some symmetry to the landscaping, plus there is something on both sides of the porch. I just wish I was going to be around to see it grow. Oh well, Oklahoma will just present new and interesting landscaping challanges. I keep picturing tumbleweeds and a cactus.

By the way...If you know of anyone who is looking for a house up this way, here's a link to look at ours on Please feel free to pass it along! Thanks!


Sharon said...

And BEAUTIFUL it is!! Oh my word, I love it!! Can't wait to see what you end up with in OK :)

Sharon said...

and I'm LOL at "Garrisonville" ;)

Carla said...

I know. When we moved up here and I saw "Garrisonville" and then several neighborhoods called "St. Augustine" I got a bit confused about where I was!

Linda said...

I must of missed a post - I didn't know you were moving again - Out of State?
Your house looks great and so does the landscaping. Too bad we don't need a house in your area.
But we are staying put.

Best wishes on the sale and move.

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